Tuesday, 18 May 2010

Prototype L/G slider

The slider mech I mentioned in the last post, has to be lightweight and compact. I had come up with a possible solution, but it would've been a bit clunky. The alternative came from a sacrificial plastic vernier caliper that I got free, many moons ago, with some tech magazine. It's very light, free moving and ready made (kind of).

I'm interested in the centre sliding pieces. The cross-section shows the interlocking profiles that would be difficult to replicate by hand.
I hacked a mock-up and glued it to the gear arm, as proof of concept. There's a small spring fitted behind the slide that took around 1.5 kg quite nicely (there will be four of them). My concern is it may be too long to fit snuggly in the fuselage. Video below shows the proof of concept. Now I need to make it more robust.

Obviously, this will all be painted and disguised!

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